5 June 2009
Getting caugth in a serious thunderstorm in Miami. The rain sets on while we're having lunch in a small restaurant, luckily we decided to sit inside. After 30 minutes, the huge outside umbrellas are destroyed by strong winds. A bit later it starts to hail ice the size of quarter coins. The parking lot in the back of the restaurant is flooded, and tree branches have fallen onto cars - calling a cab is not an option. After 2,5 hours of waiting, we decide to make a spint for the hotel which is only a few blocks away. After dashing through streets which are at some places 50 cm under water, we arrive completely soaked in our hotel - it is in this moment that the rain stops.
As we enter our room on the top floor, the maintenance man just exits our room with bags of soaked towels. Seems like our room got flooded too.

The flooded terrace of our room.

swimming at the beach in the morning