A different development over these tens of millions of years has been the creation of oil as evidenced by the many oil pumps around. And frequently when the companies drill for a new oil well they discover something else: dinosaur bones. This region has some of the worlds richest finds in Dinosaur bones and fossils. In the paleontologic museum in Trelew, we see bones of a massive animal that weighed 100 tons and some fossils of dinosaur eggs. In fact, recent increased drilling activity (probably fuelled by a high oil price) has led to more archeological finds than in past decades.
Thinking about time... petrified trees and dinosaur bones are the witnesses of a world of millions of years ago - by comparison it seems that the 10,000 year old handprints of the early humans in the Cueva de las Manos were only painted yesterday.
Pictures of the Bosque Petrificado