A little bit of Suiza in Uruguay

19 February 2010, Nueva Helvecia (Uruguay)

Gaudi seems to miss Switzerland, so we visit Nueva Helvecia, also known as Colonia Suiza. The town was founded on 25 April 1862, when a group of Swiss immigrants arrived. On the main square we see the monument of the founders (two men pulling a plough) and a typical Swiss flower clock. One street is named Guillermo Tell, after the legendary Swiss national hero. The descendants of Swiss immigrants have the coat of arms of their former cantons displayed on their houses. Many inhabitants still speak German. We tried to listen, but did not hear anyone speak Schwitzerdütsch. We visit the local church, and pay a visit to the cemetery: lots of Swiss names here - even a "Schneider". Today, the town is known for its dairy products - it produces about half the cheese made in Uruguay. As we leave, only one question remains: who is "Frau Vogel"?

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