Su nombre?

Making hotel reservations or buying bus tickets, we need to provide our names. "Gaudi" proves very difficult: it has to be spelled, and even then most people get at least three out of five letters wrong. "Schneider" is longer, but surprisingly few people have difficulties getting the spelling right. The reason might be in a comment that a Chilean makes:" Schneider - like the beer!". Indeed, some latin american countries know a beer of that name. From now on, Gaudi registers under "Schneider, como la cerveca".

Natasha has less problems, most people get her name instantly right. A new version of spelling is offered in Argentina though. The Argentinian pronounce the ll and y as "sh". The lady at the reception asks Natasha, how she spells her name: "Natalla", or "Nataya" - both pronounced Natasha in Argentina.

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